sobota 4. prosince 2010

Joshua needs operation - Joshua potřebuje operaci

Pri pobytu tady jsem zjistila, ze jeden klucina ma kylu... Uz byl u lekare a ke konci mesice by mel mit operaci... Jmenuje se Joshua a ma 10 roku... Neni v sirotcinci moc dlouho, asi tri nebo ctyri mesice... Operace by mela stat i s pobytem v nemocnici 10 000 KES, coz je asi v prepoctu 2500 KC... Nemaji tady pojisteni jako u nas, takze bych chtela poprosti nekoho kdo by tuto operaci zaplatil... Posilam fotku a budu informovat o prubehu operace darce... 

While staying here, I found that one boy has hernia ... He was at the doctor and in the end of the month he should have an operation ... His name is Joshua and he is 10 ... he is not too long at the orphanage - about three or four months ... The operation would cost with the stay in the hospital 10 000 KES, which is about 150 USD ... They do not have an insurance coverage as we have, so I would like to ask someone who would pay this operation ... I will send more pictures and I will inform the donor during the operation ...

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