neděle 12. prosince 2010

News Dec. 12 - novinky z 12.12.

Novinky z 12.12.2010
Dneska jsem ucila besidku – Bozi slovo deti, bylo to fajn... 
Zacinam nakupovat darky na Vanoce, tak smlouvame ceny, chodime po obchodech... Zatim mam za sebou nakupy s klukama, pristi tyden me cekaji holky... Vybiraji si a zkousime a smlouvame ceny... A jak jim to slusi klukum... 
Moje kuze na hlave nejak nema rada ty copanky, takze je budu muset asi sundat, protoze me to boli a je to cervene, nevim proc... 
Posledni dny tady docela hodne prsi... Alespon kazdy vecer zaprsi, ale neni to moc normalni pocasi tady... 
Maji tu super mango... 5 ks za asi 13 kc, parada... Tlacim je kazdy den! 
Koupila jsem rychlovarnou konvici a spalila v ni mleko, hehe... 
Dneska mi kluci vysvetlovali obrizku, byla to sranda... Pristi tyden uz zacinam balit darky, protoze jich bude fakt hodne! 
Zitra jdu na kliniku...Videla jsem operace... nikomu nevadi, kdyz se divam. Jsou to vetsinou sterilizace zen na 10 let. Barla jsem take krev a delala testy na malarii...Buh je tady se mnou!
Jinak mi tady chybi vanocni atmosfera, ktera je u nas...

Today I was teaching Sunday School - the Word of God to children, it was nice ...
I'm starting to shop for Christmas and bargain over the price, walking around the shops ... So far I've had shopping with the boys, next week the girls are waiting for me ... We look for things and try to bargain over the price ... The boys look wonderful ...
My scalp somehow does not like the braids, so it'll probably have to take off because it hurts me and it's red, I do not know why ...
The last days it was raining here quite a lot ... At least it rains every night, but it's not very usual weather here ...
They have great mangoes here ... 5 pcs for about less than dollar, super ... I eat it every day!
I bought a kettle and burned milk in it, hehe ...
Today the boys explained to me a circumcision, it was fun ... The next week I am beginning to wrap gifts, because there is really a lot!
Tomorrow I go to the clinic ... I saw the operation ... nobody minds when I look. It is usually sterilization of women for 10 years. I started taking blood and did tests for malaria ... God is here with me!
Otherwise I missing here the Christmas atmosphere which we have home ...

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